Art and Music Visions classes have begun at FES!
Current Visions students are meeting at 7:15 - 7:45 am on their assigned days. Art Visions students are focusing on the annual Christmas card contest entries. Music Visions students are learning recorder playing and new music.
We always love to have new students join us. Students interested in interviewing for Music Visions (grades 2-4) or taking the drawing test for Art Visions (grades 2-5) for next year may fill out a nomination form beginning on September 11th. They are due September 29th. Forms are available in the office, Music room, and Art room. Completed forms may be given to Ms. Moore (music), Mrs. Stemple (art), or your homeroom teacher.
Once all nomination forms are received and recorded at the district level, the process of testing students will begin in early November. Each art and music teacher will reserve testing times and then parents and students will be notified. The multi-step process continues through February of 2024. It seems to take forever but it is well worth the wait, as many of the new Visions students can tell you!