Student Art on Display! Click to see opportunities to view our students' work at the Cyrill-Westside Library and Chapman Cultural Center this season!
Falcon's General Store Opens October 14! We are excited to open our school store! See brochure for details and shopping days!
Cafeteria A La Carte Snack Sales Snack sales will be Wednesdays and Fridays, with all items costing $1.00. See handouts for details!
4K Registration Now Open Is your child turning 4 on or before September 1st? Interested in our 4K program? Click here for more information!
Parent-Teacher Conferences Coming Soon! Families, be sure to schedule your conference with your child's teacher if you haven't already done so!
October 28-November 1 is Red Ribbon Week! See the letter for details about each dress up day! We are excited to learn about being healthy and drug-free!
October Character Word: PERSEVERANCE Talk to your child about how we're discussing this character word in our FES Family Meetings!
Vaccine Clinic District Six has partnered with DHEC and MyPharmacy Company to provide a Back-to-School onsite vaccine clinic. These clinics will be held on Thursday, August 10 from 9am-3pm. Click for more information.