School CLOSED Friday, Feb. 21

Based on the latest update from the National Weather Service, District Six schools will now be closed on February 21st. The latest NWS weather report, given at 9:00 pm, states that temperatures are expected to fall below freezing late tonight causing patches of black ice on secondary and residential streets during the early morning commute.  Temperatures are not expected to climb back above freezing until around 10 am. We believe it is in the best interest of the District Six family to cancel school for tomorrow. We apologize for the inconvenience but our first priority is always safety.  Thank you for your understanding.

Para la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes, las escuelas del Distrito Seis estarán cerradas el 21 de febrero.  El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional predice temperaturas bajo cero y hielo negro en el condado de Spartanburg.  Debido a las condiciones climáticas del invierno, creemos que es mejor para nuestra familia del Distrito Seis cancelar la escuela el viernes.  Gracias por su comprensión, ya que la seguridad es siempre nuestra primera prioridad.